Contribute to Pulsus

Warning: Most of these positions are currently unpaid because I don't have the money for it


Rev-Share Compensation

We are seeking developers to contribute to both the current release of the game (Pulsus Gamma) and the upcoming rewrite (Pulsus Delta). Responsibilities include developing new features, engaging with the community, and focusing on front-end development. Occasional backend updates may be required, but this is optional. Compensation will be in the form of a share of earnings from all sources (Patreon, sales), with the percentage based on the average amount of work performed. At the moment though, we earn so little revenue that you shouldn't apply for this position if you wouldn't have if there was no compensation.

Required Skills: (Knowledge of/willingness to learn)

Preferred Skills: (Optional previous experience)

Award Nominator





Help us make Pulsus accessible to a global audience by translating all in-game text. Translation work is currently on a volunteer basis and does not come with monetary compensation.

Social Media Manager


Create social media posts for the game, highlighting new updates and user-made content, to extend the reach/visibility of the game and attract new players, as well as interacting with players through social media accounts. This position is currently on a volunteer basis and does not come with monetary compensation.

Event Organizer


Organize events for users within the official Discord server, such as tournaments, game nights, etc. This position is currently on a volunteer basis and does not come with monetary compensation.

Video Editor


This position is currently on a volunteer basis and does not come with monetary compensation.

All contributors will be acknowledged in the official credits page accessible through the game.

Interested? DM @tetrogem on Discord to apply for any position.